Background on my C-28:

Getting ready for the 2021 Christmas Boat Parade...
According to the Dealer, she was first owned by a very wealthy oil guy from TX
who buys a new boat from them every year and a half or two.
Had 27 hours on her. 10 on the Generator. Hardly used at all.
As new as it can get, one would think…
I paid a premium since she was almost new, had her shipped down here to
Bradenton from Pensacola and for the first five months, had a bunch
of issues:
-Bow Thruster leg leaked its oil, replaced under warranty but I had to
have the boat hauled (2nd time), so I put the second layer of Trinidad
on her dainty bottom.
-Both Trim Tab Actuators blew out, so I replaced both when I had her
hauled for the leg.
-The almost new AGM House batteries would not hold a charge so I replaced
all four, 2 House, 1 Thruster, 1 Engine Start with very nice Interstate
G31 wet-cell batteries. There is absolutely NO reason to have sealed
batteries on a boat like this. The Batteries are easy to get to
simply by lifting their hatch. AGM’s are usually used where you can’t
get to them.
My thoughts for the bow thruster and the trim tab actuators is that his
grand kids (?) got on the boat and started flipping switches while the
boat was “up”. Can’t do that. Just guessing that on that but the Trim
Tab Actuators and the Bow Thruster Leg are very robust. Only “playing”
with them (fooling with the switches while the boat is “up”),
could kill these components.
For the batteries, I suspect he left the fridge ON when he pulled the boat.
Run the AGM’s all the way down and they are dead, won’t hold a charge.
That’s my thoughts of how all this occurred, a guess but these items are
normally very robust and dependable.
And then every stitch in the $3800 optional Bimini broke. Sown with bad
thread so I restitched the entire top. (“Sunbrella” thread).
So that was my first five months or so with Miss BABE. Frustrating BUT,
it forced me to learn about the boat.
And where did the name “BABE” come from? I keep BABE behind my house
here in Bradenton and I was so frustrated during that first five months,
every time I would jump aboard in the morning I'd ask her:
“Well BABE, What’s Your Issue Today”
But that was all in the first five months of BABE entering my life.
We got to know each other and I suspect that “she” knew that I was
considerably more considerate to her whims than her former owner,
she calmed down, no issues ever since, runs great and all is well in BABE land.

Note, the only items that do not work, are the built-in DVD Player
in the TV (I have a nice separate plug-in DVD Player that I now use and
is included) and one of the transom mounted Swim Platform blue LED
strips does not work. About $10 at Walmart. That’s it!
I’ve done one major overnight down to Marina Jacks/Sarasota,
heavy waves/wind but the Autopilot did just fine piloting the boat while
I looked at the scenery of Sarasota Bay.
I head out to the local sandbar most every weekend over the last six months.
She runs great, absolutely no issues at all. I’ve done lots of modifications
to her as you will see in my notes and lots of additions too. 118
hours now. I had the full ”First Service” and I think there is about one year
left on the optional 5-year warranty.
I can answer any questions about the boat, I know her inside and out.
Price: $239,000.
A short while ago a sandbar jumped up and bent the tip of one prop blade.
Not BABE’s fault but the Skipper’s! Hauled her again (3rd!) for the prop
repair and had the third coat of Trinidad applied (changed from black
to blue) and then new Petit Guardian, black on all running gear/metals.
New zincs all around (again!).
So why am I selling Miss BABE after only a year? That grand Plan of
cruising up and down the Gulf, although this is the perfect boat to do that in,
apparently is just not in the cards for me. Due to some minor age related
health issues, (just had a heart valve replaced!) I need to stay somewhat
close to home, therefore a local “sandbar” boat is going to be more my speed.
Plus with all of the C-28’s amenities, it’s just a waste of a very
very nice yacht for a couple hours on the weekend at the sandbar.
I am not in any rush to sell my boat and I will not entertain stupid offers.
Please don’t waste my time. I use her most every weekend for the local
sandbar cruising so I am not in any particular rush to move her to a
new home.
She is pretty much a one of a kind with everything working,
almost new, very low hours, etc. Lots of “making sense” modifications
and fixes.

NOTE: I may of mentioned this previously but I’d like to include a two
day orientation with the boat sale. You should take advantage of this
offer. As noted, I pretty much know the boat inside and out. Lots of
small details to learn and cover to avoid questions later on. She is not
a complicated boat but will be much more fun if you know the operation
of the various gizmos.
Hit the Links below for lots more information
and an amazing listing of upgrades and further details...
Hit this Link below for the Further Details, Specifications and
Modifications of my Cutwater C-28...
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Hit this Link for my C-28, hauled in July, '22...
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Robert Mulligan-Owner