1976 Marine Trader 40 Sedan
(Outstanding Liveaboard Boat!)
Price: $29,900.00 without the Garmin GPS/Radar and Solar Panels
or $36,500.00 with them.
UPDATE: A two hour DVD covering the operation
of all Electrical, Electronic, Fuel Systems, Mechanical,
Holding Tank, House Batteries,
and Plumbing is available by emailing your
name/mailing address to:
For a printable listing of the various parts and items that were used
on Gulf Trader to update its electrical, electronic, plumbing and mechanical
systems, go here and print the list.
Be sure to come back to this page and the "7-27-14 Update" Page for more
information on the upgrades to "Gulf Trader":
Go to our "Gulf Trader" Printable List Page
"Gulf Trader"
"Gulf Trader" is a fiberglass classic design 1976 Marine Trader sedan cabin trawler,
equipped with two Ford-Lehman 120 diesel engines.
Over the past nine years, this boat has gone through major rebuilding and reconstruction
which included new decks, new electrical wiring including circuit breaker panels/gauges,
plumbing and fuel systems. All of the old systems were removed and replaced.
"Gulf Trader" still needs some finishing but most of the heavy lifting items have been
Suggested finishing items include:
-New Bottom Paint. (The boat bottom is professionally cleaned every month so the hull
is not coated with growth and barnacles. Three brand new gallons of Petit Trinidad SR paint comes with the boat).
-The side wall coaming needs to be covered with fabric, plywood or fiberglass sheet to
finish. Presently bare fiberglass.
-The wood blocks where the bronze cleats are affixed need to be replaced. These are
just 2x8" blocks of pressure treated wood.
-Underside of windshield "eyebrow" needs to be finished.
-Lots of misc. woodwork projects.
Refer to the list of parts replaced and work that has been done to our boat.
During the past nine years of work, we have not used the boat much so the electrical,
electronic and most mechanical installations/repairs could be determined to be "new".
Our long term cruising plans have changed and will be buying a smaller boat for
local cruising only. "Gulf Trader" would make an extremely comfortable liveaboard

She is very stable and due to the displacement hull design, she plows through
waves rather than riding up and over like a planning hull would do. The bow
beneath the V-Berth is filled with factory installed concrete.
Compare the wide flare at the bow to the somewhat straight non-flared bow design
of other trawlers such as some of the Grand Banks trawlers. Without the wide flare,
the boat (and you) will get quite wet in any type of wave action. It's a very sea worthy design.

The bridge deck was stripped of the integral seating in favor of removable/foldable
The upper deck is wide and long, perfect for storing kayaks, a dink or inflatable boat.
The mast with its boom can be used to lift your smaller size boats from the deck to the water.
The upper deck is equipped with reinforced U-Bolts for strapping your gear down to the deck.
The teak swim platform is equipped with a dinghy lifting system similar to "Weaver Brackets".
The two arms attach to your dink and the winch on the upper deck easily lifts the boat to the storage position against the transom. Presently we have a Dyer Dhow sailing dinghy installed there. The Dyer is not included with the trawler nor will it be. A Walker Bay or Livingston dink is a perfect small tender to keep there.

All wiring (as well as all wiring, both AC and DC) is Anchor tinned/stranded marine wire.
All terminals are tinned copper and all are double crimped and most are soldered with shrink wrap.
All wiring and terminals have been replaced with new.
"Gulf Trader" is an exceptionally comfortable boat while at sea and moored. Lots of
private spaces, but has a lower "windage" area compared to some of the huge/tall trawlers of the era.

Major Structural Work Completed:
Decks replaced down to the stringers.
-Marine ½" plywood coated top and bottom with polyester resin.
-Thick biaxial fiberglass cloth over plywood.
Replaced 6" Sampson Post.
Sistered and epoxied deck stringers.
Sistered and epoxied roof stringers.
Fiberglassed upper deck.
Installed new Ceiling, throughout (with 1"-2' hard foam insulation).

Rule 3700 "UL Rated" bilge pump.
Rule 2000 bilge pump.
2 each, Rule bilge pump switch.
110 volt AC automatic sump pump.
High water alarm (exterior mounted horn with a bilge float switch.
AquaAlarm Bilge pump counter.
LED Bilge Pump Warning Lights for each pump at bridge station.
Allows the skipper to monitor when and for how long the bilge pumps stay ON
during a cruise.
ON/OFF switch for each fresh water faucet with red warning LED lights that Illuminate
when the fresh water pump is turned ON. This feature allows the fresh water pump
breaker to be turned ON at the Master DC breaker box, but not allow the pump
to operate
until the ON/OFF switch at each faucet is pulled (thereby illuminating the
LED warning
light which reminds the user to turn it back OFF after use. Eliminates the
fresh water
pump from emptying the tanks in case a faucet is left open).
Replaced Bilge Pump Hoses.
Replaced Holding Tank.
Replaced Macerator Pump.
Replaced all Head/Holding Tank hoses and hose clamps (AWAB SS clamps).
Replaced Toilet (fresh water flush).
Replaced Fresh Water Pump.
Replaced Hot Water Heater.
Installed Dupont Fresh Water Filter.
Installed Shower Sump Pump.
Replaced all Fresh Water Hoses and Hose Clamps (AWAB SS Clamps).
Engines and Running Gear:
Engines: 2 each-Ford Lehman 120's non-turbo, 3200 hours each.
Transmissions: 2 each

Installed American Diesel Coolant Overflow Tanks/Hoses.
Replaced Thermostats.
Replaced Exhaust Hoses (Shields wire reinforced 3 ½" rubber).
Replaced Rubber Exhaust Couplers.
Replaced Fiberglass Exhaust Couplers.
Replaced all SS T-Bolt Exhaust Clamps (double clamps on all joints).
Replaced both Exhaust Elbows/Bolts.
Replaced Prop shafts (45 mm SS shafts).
Replaced all Cutlass Bearings (including the Stuffing Box Bearings).
Replaced Stuffing Box Stuffing.
Replaced SS 4" Transom Exhaust Outlets.
Replaced Transmission Heat Exchangers.
Replaced all Engine Hoses-American Diesel Hose Package (used AWAB SS clamps).
Replaced Alternators.
Replaced Belts.
Replaced Engine Heat Exchanger Pencil Zincs.
Replaced Throttle/Transmission Cables, top and lower station ("Red Label" Cables).
Installed Racor Fuel Filter with Vacuum Gauge.
Installed Walbro Electric Fuel Pump.
Replaced all Fuel Hoses and Hose Clamps (AWAB SS Clamps).
Engine/Transmission Couplers rebuilt.
Starters rebuilt.
Removed and rebedded the four prop shaft struts, replaced all SS bolts, nuts, washers.
Installed new wood interior backing plates, bedded with 5200.
Electronics and Electrics:
Garmin 2010-C GPS with SW Florida chip.
Garmin 160-C Depth Sounder
NOTE: Transducers for Sounders, shoot "through the hull".
No exterior/underwater transducers to clean.
2-each, Standard Horizon VHF radios.
Toshiba Laptop Computer (older unit) equipped with external GPS Antenna and
"SeaClear" GPS-Navigation program as backup to the Garmin GPS units.
Replaced upper and lower Engine Gauges/Wiring/Sensors.
Installed "Blue Sea" AC and DC Breaker Panels with Volt/Amp Gauges.

Replaced all AC and DC wiring (Anchor tinned thin copper stranded with
tinned copper terminals, all double crimped and most soldered and covered
with heat shrink tubing).
Replaced six Deep Cycle House Batteries (Duracell made by East Penn Battery).
Replaced two Engine "Start" Batteries.
Replaced heavy duty Battery Switches.
Installed 2 each, Voltmeters for Engine Start Batteries.
Installed 2 each, 6 amp ProMariner Battery Chargers (for charging Port
and Starborad engine start batteries).

Replaced all heavy Battery Cables (Anchor tinned copper cable) and Lugs.
Installed 30 amp ProMariner House Battery Charger.
Installed 6 amp Promariner House Battery Charger.

Installed SS Davits on bridge rear as a lifting/storage system for a Kayak.
Original "Perko" SS Incandescent Ceiling Lights rewired/rebulbed.
Installed White/Red switchable LED Ceiling Lights. (On separate circuit breaker and
wiring from the incandescent lights).

Installed "Shakespeare" omnidirectional TV Antenna (on mast).
Installed 20" Flat Screen TV.
Installed 12" Flat Screen TV.
110 volt AC Cooking Utensils including microwave, toaster oven, grill,
slow-cooker, etc.
110 volt Kenmore AC refrigerator/freezer (can operate from Solar Panels)
Installed marine grade 12 volt DC Pull Switches.
Installed two, AM/FM/CD Radios, upper and lower.
Installed Sony "Surround Sound" stereo system for the TV, DVD Player/VCR.
Installed "Marinco" AC shore power 30 amp outlet.
110 volt Space Heater.
Installed AquaSignal LED Port/Starboard Navigational Lights.
Installed AquaSignal Anchor Light on mast.
Installed 2 each, VHF Radio Antennas on SS Adjustable Mounts.
2 each, Windshield Wiper Arms, Blades, new/never installed.
Extras and Spares:
Many Shaft and Rudder Zinc spares.
New "Delta" Plow Anchor (never been in the water).
New 40' 3/8" Anchor Chain (never been in the water).
200' and 150' 5/8" Anchor Nylon Line.
"Ideal" Anchor Windlass (needs rebuilding).
Manual winch on Sampson Post.
Stainless Steel 45 pound Plow Anchor.
2 each, spare propellers.
Installed large size Magma Gas Grill on transom.

Extra Mooring Line and Rope.
Spare Fuel Filters for both FL engine filters and Racor.
Spare Filters for Fresh Water Filter.
4 each, large Fenders.
5/8" braided Dock Lines/Spring Lines.
Large Igloo Cooler on bridge in cradle (has a 10 watt solar panel mounted on top).

Large throwable Life Ring.
2 each, "Marinco" 25' 30 amp Shore Power Cables.
12,000 BTU "wall" Air Conditioner.
3 each, 16" electric fans (AC).
3 each, 6" electric fans (DC).
Sewing Machine
Jabsco Oil Change System
2 each, new (never installed) American Diesel "Lift Pumps". (Engine mounted fuel pumps).
Large Dockbox with Solar Panel powered muffin fan vents.
Stainless Steel adjustable Outboard Engine Bracket on transom.
Installed Hatch in main cabin (over sofa area) to vent warm air from boat.
Hatch is equipped with high power muffin fan).

Ford-Lehman Engine/Parts Manual
Manuals for Garmin Electronics, VHF Radios, Inverter, Solar Panel Regulator, etc.
Many feet of spare Hoses for Exhaust, Fuel Line, Gen-Set Exhaust, etc.
Bottom professionally cleaned every month.
Boat needs new Bottom Paint (no growth, just needs new Bottom Paint).
Three gallons of new "Petit Trinidad SR" Red Bottom Paint goes with the boat.
Zincs were professionally replaced when needed.
Dyer Dhow Sailing Dink is not included with boat (and won't be).
Dinghy lift on Swim Platform with Winch.

(Note: Mast is equipped with a boom and kayaks, inflatable, dink may be also stored on cabin roof).
Multiple spotlights, downlights and LED lights on mast.

Onan diesel Generator (not presently working but have not tried, Starter rebuilt).
Includes AquaLift Muffler and new exhaust tubing.
Hull sanded and painted with single part bright white Polyurethane.
Cabin/Decks repainted.
Most teak refinished with "Cetol Natural Teak" and then coated with "Cetol Clear".
Removed 18 old Thru-Hulls and replaced with four new Thru-Hulls.
Fiberglassed/Epoxied original Thru-Hull holes and redrilled for new one's.
Replaced Mast and Cables (and built new upper and lower Spreaders).
Built new Mast platform (wider area).
Installed Drop-Leaf Table on bridge.
Painted entire bilge, bulkhead and bilge walls (off-white) with one-part polyurethane.
Woodwork, Restoration and Rebuilding:
Interior completely rebuilt including walls, ceiling, ceiling joists.
All Ceiling areas insulated with hard foam.
Teak Cabinetry stripped, sanded and refinished.
Teak Parquet Floor stripped, sanded and refinished.

Original main cabin "U-Shaped Settee" (uncomfortable) area was removed and area
rebuilt with a four drawer cabinet and very comfortable sofa that folds out to
form a single bed.

Master Cabin shelving installed.

V-Berth rebuilt.

All Portholes removed and rebedded.
Shower area removed and rebuilt using hard foam insulation and fiberglass.
Deck window installed in deck to provide natural light to shower area.

Installed high power muffin fan for Head/Shower ventilation.
Hot water pipes insulated with pipe wrap foam.
Robert Mulligan-Owner
Bradenton, FL
P: 941-795-5225
Email: Photontek@aol.com
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