"Petunia II" was originally a retired Canadian lapstrake lifeboat that was in rather tattered condition. It was full of frogs, tadpoles and dark greeen water when we found her.
While the hull had a very interesting design, it was too far gone to be used in the reconstruction so we made a mold of the old boat and made a new fiberglass hull. The mold was one-time-use only so, sorry, no more can be made...
One of the major items we used for building the new boat was a home-made
steamer box. Most of the wood in the boat was red cedar and white pine.
Here's boat-builder Bob, ready for heavy grinding and sanding the new hull.
And Vickie bending the freshly steamed and pliable wood for the rub rails.
And our finished "Petunia II' in her new home.
Lots of nice classic "yachty" details...
The front deck is 1" x 1 1/2" red cedar, edge glued with West epoxy.
Presently the small wheel is not hooked up but in the future it will be connected
to the electric trolling motor with rope.
The "Beehive" stern light is a Perko antique that was actually new in its original
box. A "find" from Ebay.
Another "ELCO" badge.
The coaming was steambent as was the rub rail.
Here "Petunia II" sits on her new trailer, ready for launching.
Hope you like the pictures. The building of the boat took about six months. She
is powered by a 15 HP Yamaha 4-cycle outboard which is a bit much for the hull design
but is very quiet, and a 54 pound thrust MotorGuide electric trolling motor, powered
by two Group 27 Deep Cycle batteries.